steve1Know your coaches – Steve Maxwell
We’re proud to see Steve back with us this year. Steve was the first American black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu under the Gracie family and he has been training longer than many of us have been alive. He started his gym in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania back in the 1980’s and he has a master’s degree in exercise science. He’s seen it all, but the best thing about Steve is that he doesn’t just teach fitness – he lives it. Many people talk about the movie 300 or how the Spartans trained, but Steve actually lives a life based on Greco-Roman ideals about health and fitness. He’s read a lot on how they actually trained in ancient times and spends a part of every year in Greece training in the same places they trained. People like Steve are rare these days so we’re happy to absorb everything he can teach us in the brief time he’s here.